Large suburban homes with asphalt shingles and green lawns in daytime

It Is Our Duty To Give Back To The Community – Our Goal is to Donate $500,000 by 2030!

Current Donation Amount = $77,694 | Updated on 10/27/2024

Why Do We Donate?

We believe there’s much more to life than just working hard and making money for selfish reasons. That’s why one of our passions is donating to charity and contributing to something larger than ourselves.

Since 2017, at the end of each quarter we’ve donated a portion of our profit to charitable organizations that our team voted for. The amount of the donation varies from quarter to quarter, based on our cash position, and our net profit in the previous quarter. Our goal is to be able to donate at least 5% of our net profit.

We are constantly looking for ways to help and support different charities. If you have a charity that you are passionate about, please let us know and we will consider donating to it. We also try to do a company volunteering event once a quarter, where we as a company dedicate our day to help at different charitable organizations.

It brings us a lot of joy and fulfillment that our contributions are making a positive and meaningful impact in the world and our team enjoys taking part in the decision to which organization we will donate. We feel blessed and honored with the opportunity and means to be charitable and help people that need support!

Organizations We Support:

No Baby Blisters

EB Is The Worst Disease You Have Never Seen. This is tough to watch but these babies need our help. Life expectancy for those who do live is often less than 30 years and filled with blistering, terrible pain, infections, scarring, itching, amputations, bullying, and catastrophic medical bills

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Children’s Health Defense

The Children’s Health Defense Team is devoted to the health of people and our planet. Our mission is to end the childhood health epidemics by working aggressively to eliminate harmful exposures, hold those responsible accountable, and establish safeguards so this never happens again.

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Stand For Health Freedom

Stand for Health Freedom (SHF) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting basic human rights, constitutional rights and parental rights. Our digital advocacy center, launched in August 2019, lets conscientious Americans take a stand on issues that matter by giving them direct contact to their elected officials and others in positions of influence

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Ja’ Mobility


Ja’Mobility is about giving the gift of mobility to Jamaicans in need. A unique wheelchair was developed by Free Wheelchair Mission to be a low-cost, low-maintenance and robust form of mobility for the Third World countries.

Our goal is to raise at least US$43,000.- in order to fill a 40 foot container with all the materials needed to assemble 550 wheelchairs. With your support and donations we hope to meet our goal every year. Helping people since 2011!

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Haiti Children Projects

Haiti Children Project supports projects located at the Gebeau complex in Jeremie, Haiti. Jeremie is located approximately 125 miles from the capital of Port au Prince in the mountainous Grand Anse region of Haiti. While this may sound close, traveling from Port au Prince to Jeremie by car can take up to 12 hours due to poor road conditions.

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Child Rescue Coalition

Child Rescue Coalition is a nonprofit organization that rescues children from sexual abuse by building technology for law enforcement, free of charge, to track, arrest and prosecute child predators.

We collaborate with a global force of child exploitation investigators, police officers, digital forensic experts, child welfare agencies and donors to rescue children and apprehend abusers in real time.

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SOS Children’s Villages – Florida

SOS Children’s Villages – Florida is a foster care neighborhood in Coconut Creek. Our tree-lined street has twelve houses, which are home to up to seventy-five boys and girls.SOS Children’s Villages – Florida relies upon the generosity of our friends and neighbors to help us fulfill our promise of healing, hope, and home to our boys and girls.

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Autism Society

The Autism Society of America has been improving the lives of all affected by autism for over 50 years and envisions a world where individuals and families living with autism are able to maximize their quality of life, are treated with the highest level of dignity, and live in a society in which their talents and skills are appreciated and valued.

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The LENN Foundation

The LENN Foundation is a 501c3 nonprofit that focuses on helping families who have children with cerebral palsy.  We provide financial relief towards children’s unmet medical needs not covered by insurance.  Our goal is to give them the quality of life they deserve.

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World Central Kitchen

Wherever there is a fight so that hungry people may eat, we will be there. When disaster strikes, WCK’s Chef Relief Team steps out of the kitchen and on to the front lines to provide meals to those in need. We have responded to emergencies in Bahamas, Haiti, Peru, Houston, Puerto Rico, California, Hawaii, Indonesia, Guatemala, Mexico the Carolinas, Florida, Nebraska, Mozambique, Colombia, Venezuela and more.

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Feeding South Florida

Feeding South Florida is the largest, most efficient food bank serving Palm Beach, Broward, Miami-Dade, and Monroe Counties. More than 98% of all donations are put back into the community.

Through innovative direct-service programs and a network of nonprofit partner agencies, Feeding South Florida distributed nearly 62 million pounds (51.5 million meals) of food last fiscal year to over 706,000 individuals – 236,000 of whom are children and 100,000 are older adults.

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Salvation Army Florida

Overseeing corps and area commands, The Salvation Army of Florida serves as a resource to the field. “Doing The Most Good.” In these four words, our mission – to feed, to clothe, to comfort, to care. To rebuild broken homes and broken lives. By walking with the addicted, we can lead them to recovery. In fighting hunger and poverty, we can feed and nurture the spirit.

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SOS Children’s Villages – International

We work with children, families, communities, and states to prevent family breakdown and ensure that every child’s right to family, protection, education and health care are fulfilled. If a child has lost parental care, or it is not in the child’s best interests to remain in their family, then we work with community and state partners to provide the child with loving and supported family-based care.

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Life Today – Water For Life

The worldwide need for clean water is vast. Today nearly 800 million people lack access to safe drinking water, and waterborne diseases are one of the leading causes of death for children under the age of 5.

A new well, providing fresh, clean water, can help stop the cycle of death and offer a blessing that lasts a lifetime – truly a precious gift of hope and life. Thank you for your faithful support as we work to provide clean water for people living in desperate need around the world.

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Free Wheelchair Mission

Free Wheelchair Mission is a humanitarian, faith-based, nonprofit organization that provides wheelchairs at no cost to people with disabilities living in developing nations. In collaboration with a network of like-minded partners, FWM has been providing wheelchairs to those in need around the world since 2001, providing dignity, independence, and hope through the gift of mobility.

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Some Receipts From Our Donations:

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